Vergaderings van die tak word elke derde Saterdag van die maand om 14h00 gehou by die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Ontdekkerskruin, Philipslaan, Ontdekkers, Roodepoort.
hierbo vir besonderhede.

17 December 2012

End of year function: 2012

By Penny Evans

The end of year function was held on 17th November 2012 at the NG Kerk, Ontdekkerskruin, Discovery. This was a very special function organized by Petro Meyer and Lynette Swanepoel. Members paid a small sum towards this meal and also brought salads.
The tables were set with new tablecloths and Christmas overlays. There were menus on the tables, showing the three course meal. The starter was tuna mousse with crispy French bread. Main course was BBQ ribs, chicken drums, meat balls, green salad, rice salad, coleslaw, curry bean salad, potato salad, watermelon salad and homemade mini bread. Desert followed which was chocolate mousse baskets and apple tart with cream.

Lynette’s daughter and her friend acted as waitresses.

Lucas' gift of attendance.
During the function full attendance awards were given to Lucas Rinken, Richard Wolfaardt and Robyn Templeton.

Frans Viljoen and twin brother.
A fun item followed-photos of members as a young child were projected onto the screen. Each group at a table had a chance to identify the person in the photo. Those with the most correct answers received prizes of ‘gold’ medals made of chocolate. Losers received Christmas crackers.

Each member had been asked to bring a R20 gift. Each gift had to have a photo of the giver. These photos will be placed into a scrapbook album. It is hoped that members will assist with the scrapbooking. Numbers were placed on the Christmas tree and each member received a gift according to the number he had drawn.

The clearing up and washing of the dishes followed.

Donna Viljoen, Giel Nel and Graham Southey.
The ideas, making of the tablecloths, buying extra crockery, bringing additional cutlery, organizing and co-ordinating the menu, awards, power point presentation of the photos and all the additional features were due to the efforts of Petro and Lynette. This function required a great deal of preparation and hard work. We would like to extend a very big thank you to these two enthusiastic committee members for this wonderful surprise. We all really enjoyed ourselves.
  •  We were distressed as we were leaving, to discover that Herman and Anna Esterhuizen’s vehicle had been stolen from the car park within the church grounds. Exactly when this happened was not clear. However, the gates had been closed during the function. This was very upsetting for everyone. 

Petro Meyer
The gifts

30 November 2012

Newsletter: November 2012

The latest newsletter of the branch is published below. Please be patient while it is loading. Use the icons below the report. "View in fullscreen" produces best results.
West Gauteng Branch GSSA Nov 2012

13 November 2012

Sterfberigte in koerante, wêreldgebeure, tegnologie in Suid-Afrika

Deur Lucas Rinken

Ons, as genaloeë, besef nie altyd die waardevolle werk wat deur toegewyde mense gedoen word nie. Hoeveel ure se werk moet dit nie neem vir iemand soos Rita Quebbemann en ander nie. Hulle voer doodsberige, ens. in koerante in e-poste aan ons genealogiese poslyste en so word die data aan ons bekende gemaak waar ons dit andersins nie sou raakgesien het nie, want ons lees nie daardie koerante nie.

Ek koop nie koerante nie – het net nie tyd daarvoor nie, maar in hierdie data stel ek, as genealoog, intens belang en kry dikwels kosbare inligting wat ek tot my databasis kan voeg. Vandag weer ‘n berig oor die afsterwe van ‘n DE WET, dié van waarin ek intens belang stel, gekry. Persoonlik stel ek hierdie berigte baie hoog op prys!

12 November 2012

A Cape Town tour and tracing the biological mother of an adopted child

Christa Roberts
By Penny Evans

On the 20th October Christa Roberts spoke about the tour to Cape Town with the N-Tvl branch. The tour took place on 12-17 August 2012. She was part of a group of 15 members.

Their tour was excellently organised by Ellen Harmse, who planned everything down to the last detail and gave plenty of information in advance. Christa was able to prepare her research before departure and knew what to expect at the different research centres.

01 October 2012

Exhibition of 16 September 2012

Penny Evans

A smaller than normal group of members attended the exhibition on 16th September 2012. This was a cold and overcast day.

Kriek Fourie 

He gave a five minute talk on the CDs available in our library. Kriek encouraged members to spend time looking at what information was available on the CDs. We have the omnibus CDs and a list of the surnames on each of these CDs. CDs are available for sale.

The exhibition was held in the hall. The exhibitors were Richard Wolfaardt, Graham Southey, Marie van Aswegen, Hennie van Aswegen and Richard Ford. Richard Wolfaardt Richard has researched the following surnames: Harper, Copeland, Smith, Goosen, Neethling and Immelman.

07 September 2012

West Gauteng branch meeting 18th August 2012

 Penny Evans

Neels Coertse
Neels Coertse spoke about how to interview someone in order to obtain information about family history. He emphasized the importance of preparing for the interview and knowing exactly what you wanted to get from the interview.

Questions should be written down and should aim at obtaining answers to the” who, what, why and when”. This preparation will allow you to structure the interview.

17 August 2012

Scrapbooking Workshop at the Roodepoort Museum

Penny Evans

Carolina Geldenhuys
On the 4th August 2012 Carolina Geldenhuys of the Roodepoort Museum presented a workshop on the history of scrapbooking.

In addition she discussed the causes of deterioration of photographs, which plastics are more suitable for storage of information, materials needed for scrapbooking and the seven steps to success with your project.

07 August 2012

Newsletter: July 2012

The latest newsletter of the branch is published below. Please be patient while it is loading. Use the icons below the report. "View in fullscreen" produces best results.

01 August 2012

Experiencing a Legacy cruise

John Slyer
 At our meeting on the 21st July 2012 John Slyer gave a power point presentation about the Legacy cruise that he and his wife Noreen had been on, in May 2012. This was the 9th Annual Genealogy Cruise that that took place on board the Royal Caribbean Cruise liner “Vision Of The Seas”.

There are two legacy cruises. The first cruise starts in Oslo, Norway, goes via Le Havre Paris, Cherbourg France, Dublin , Liverpool on to Edinburgh and back to Oslo. The second cruise that John and Noreen did, starts in Oslo, goes to Aarhus in Denmark, Bergen Norway, Geiranger Fjord in Norway and back to Oslo.

06 July 2012

Newsletter: June 2012

 The latest newsletter of the branch is published below. Please be patient while it is loading. Use the icons below the report. "View in fullscreen" produces best results.

28 June 2012

News from the meeting of 16 June 2012

Report and photographs by Penny Evans 

Chairman Bob Saunders
Father's day chocolates.
June 16th was a chilly day. Bob Saunders, our chairman warmly welcomed
everyone. Members listened to Lucas Rinken speak about interesting information from eSAGI.

Some years ago Lucas started writing articles for our blog, based on this information. He wrote about Olive Schreiner, Dr Gerard Leendert Moerdijk , Christiaan Rudolf de Wet, FW de Klerk, The curse on the de Wets, the Louws and the clergymen, the spelling of names, Faure, a family of ministers, unusual and amusing surnames, cannons and strong men, The Brink family, and the Lady of Mystery, Beatrice Gurney.

27 June 2012

Does a Website Really Contain Malicious Software?

There is "an easy and highly accurate" test to determine if a website contains malware. Click HERE to read the full report on Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter.

NOTE: "malware" is an abbreviation for "malevolent software." It refers to viruses, worms, trojan horses, and all other software that is designed to do nasty things to your computer.

Keep in mind that no anti-virus/anti-malware program is perfect. At best, all of them only detect 90% to 95% of the problems.

31 May 2012

Another library day

Penny Evans

Louise Dick and John Stephens.
The Library team met again on the 26th May 2012to carry on with the work in the library. The team consisted of Lucas Rinken, John Stephens, Graham Southey, Louise Dick, Giel Nel, Gerard Marloth and Penny Evans. Lucas transferred all the information about the library books from his laptop to the branch’s computer. He continued to add more books and booklets to the database.

21 May 2012

Suksesvolle werkswinkel


Op Saterdag, 19 Mei 2012, is die eerste werkswinkel vanjaar om eie navorsingsprobleme in groepsverband te bespreek, gehou. Agt-en-twintig lede het die byeenkoms bygewoon.

Onder leiding van ervare groepsleiers Lucas Rinken, Dennis Pretorius en Richard Ford is daar aan lede se probleemvrae aandag gegee. Veral lede wat nog nie veel ervaring in genealogiese navorsing het nie, kon hierby baat vind. Meer ervare lede kon ook nuttige wenke in die gesprekke inbring.

15 May 2012

Verandering - Change

NEEM ASSEBLIEF KENNIS: Daar het ‘n dringende verandering gekom en SATERDAG, 19 Mei 2012, se byeenkoms is vervang met die WERKSWINKEL OOR PROBLEME WAT JY ONDERVIND MET JOU EIE NAVORSING. Ons sal ‘n PANEEL van GESOUTE MENSE hê om te help met die beantwoording van jou probleme. STEL ASSEBLIEF VIR JOU ‘N LYS OP VAN PROBLEME sodat ons dit Saterdag onder oë kan neem.

PLEASE NOTE: We have an urgent change in Saturday's, 19 May 2012, program. The WORKSHOP ON PROBLEMS YOU’RE EXPERIENCING IN YOUR OWN RESEARCH will be the topic. We’ll have a PANEL of EXPERIENCED MEMBERS who’ll be there to assist in answering your problem questions. PLEASE DRAW UP A LIST OF PROBLEMS YOU’RE EXPERIENCING in order for us to try and solve these problems.

Newsletter: April 2012

 The latest newsletter of the branch is published below. Please be patient while it is loading. Use the icons below the report. "View in fullscreen" produces best results.

07 May 2012

Spanwerk in die biblioteek

 Hierdie foto's is Penny Evans se oes van die biblioteekdag waarydens twaalf van ons lede weer met die reorganisasie van die biblioteek besig was.

Foto 1
Foto 2
 Foto 1: Graham Southey en Marie van Aswegen se hande besig met die benaming en nommer van boeke.

Foto 2: Louise Dick, Graham en Hennie van Aswegen  besig met die nommer en uitsoek van boeke en pamflette.

29 April 2012

Security tip

The main difference between http:// and https:// is all about keeping you security.

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

The "s" stands for "secure".

If you visit a website or webpage, and look at the address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following: http://. This means that the website is talking to your browser using the regular 'unsecure' language. In other words, it is possible for someone to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site.

This is why you never ever enter your credit card number in an http:// website! But if the web address begins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.

If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically look to see if the web address begins with https://.

If it doesn't, you should NEVER enter sensitive information ... such as a credit card number.

Source: WikiAnswers.

28 April 2012

Rules of preservation

By Penny Evans

Alan Jeffrey
On 21st of April 2012 our branch was addressed by Alan Jeffrey, a book restorer working at the Brenthurst Library, which is one of the finest privately owned Africana libraries, and contains books, manuscripts, artworks and maps.

He explained that all the materials he uses to preserve books and manuscripts are archival. The materials are expensive as they are imported from USA. Two of the products used are Mylar and Melinex which are made by Du Pont.

He advised members not to use plastics that contain a plasticiser (gives off a smell). The gas that is emitted can penetrate the document and cause damage.

Lamination is not advisable.

05 April 2012

Biblioteek gereorganiseer

John Stephens

Graham Southey en John Stepehns
Daar is ‘n begin gemaak om die tak se biblioteek te reorganiseer sodat alles meer toeganklik vir ons lede sal wees.

Nou lê daar werk voor om die boeke genommer te kry. Daarna moet ook die ander items soos DVD’s, CD’s, items wat nog by ander lede is, ook hier geliasseer word.

‘n Behoorlike inventaris moet opgestel word sodat die hele biblioteek-inhoud verseker kan word.

02 April 2012

Comparing genetic ancestry and genealogy. South African Y chromosomes and surnames

Christoff Erasmus of the Department of Genetics, University of Pretoria
Christoff Erasmus

Forty one members of the West Gauteng branch attended this interesting presentation on 24th March 2012.

There are only two sections of DNA which are carried over from one parent to the children. This is the Y chromosome which is carried over from father to son. By studying this Y chromosome, information about the male ancestors, going back thousands of years, can be seen. Similarly, the mitochondrial DNA is carried over from the mother to her children, but only the daughters can carry this over to their own children.

27 March 2012

Beslissende oomblik

Prof Christo Viljoen
Prof Christon Viljoen skryf vandag op  SAGEN.

In enige genealoog se lewe breek die oomblik aan wat hy/sy moet besluit: nou sluit ek my genealogiese register af, redigeer dit en publiseer dit.

Ek het verlede week by dié punt uitgekom nadat ek dit telkens uitgestel het, want mens kry bykans daagliks nuwe inligting om by te voeg. Vir my was dié besluit 'n groot verligting!

26 March 2012

Nasionale AJV, 2012: "Go Country"

 Rentia Landman skryf:
GGSA-werkswinkel in George
Altesame 102 mense het Vrydag 16 Maart die uitstekende werkswinkel in George bygewoon wat deur e-GGSA onder leiding van Alta Griffiths georganiseer is. ’n Span formindabele sprekers wat ‘n wye verskeidenheid temas behandel het, het opgetree. Vir voornemende sowel as ervare genealoë was dit ‘n baie leersame dag.

20 March 2012

Hendrik Louw groet en sê dankie

Hendrik Louw
Hendrik Louw, pas-uitgetrede president van die Genootskap, skryf soos volg op SAGEN.

Die afgelope drie jaar (as president van die Genootskap) was wonderlike en aangename jare en ek glo en het volle vertroue so sal dit voortgaan. Met so 'n puik NUK en NR kan dit ook nie anders nie.

Laat ek net eers begin by die lede wat uittree, maar beslis nie gaan verdwyn nie, daarvoor gaan ons sorg.

1. André Heydenrych wat oor amper 11 jaar 'n ruskansie neem. André, dankie vir al jou ondersteuning vir my drie jaar in die "huis-van-Genealogie" dit was een hengse groot voorreg om met jou saam te werk, jy het my voorwaar op my neus laat kyk, jy sal weet wat ek bedoel. Ek was aangenaam verras en bevoorreg om saam met jou en onder jou wakende oog meet van GGSA en sy finansies te wete te kom.

2. Leoni Barnard wat soos 'n regte PA en ware mede-NUK-lid wondere gedoen het en berge verskuif het. Sy het vele male ook eksta-myle geloop ter-wille-van GGSA en die groter prentjie. Sonder haar sou die drie jaar beslis nie so 'n groot sukses gewees het nie.

3. Dirk Bloem wat ook 'n leeue-aandeel saam met Richard Ball in die webtuiste ontwikkeling het. Dirk, baie dankie en mag jou verdere bydraes by Noordwes jou met vreugde vul.

Dan aan die nuwe NUK-lede. Soos julle almal nou teen die tyd weet gaan Petro Coreejes-Brink by my oorneem as president van GGSA en behou ook die Begraafplaas koördineringsfunksie. Sy het 'n besonderse indruk op my gemaak met die manier waarop sy die vooraf gaande twee jaar as vise-president ingeskakel het en die leiding wat sy geneem het.

Ook die skakeling op die vlak met GISA en lede was vir haar kinderspeleties, dus is sy meer as net bevoeg om in daardie stoel te sit. Ek wens haar 'n heerlike en vreugdevolle jaar toe. Genealogie is ons belangstelling, ons stokperdjie en mag nie soos werk voel nie, ons moet te alle tye mekaar respekteer, saamwerk as een familie en humor skep, dit moet vir almal lekker wees, ons wil saam kuier, saam gesels en saam lag. Baie geluk, jy en die volle GGSA het nog steeds my volle ondersteuning.

Dan Dennis Prestorius, nie net alleen het hy die bussie gereël vir die rit na Uniondale en terug nie, hy was ook die bestuurder, bygesê die enigste bestuurder. Om 14 en meer ure per dag agter die stuur te sit is beslis vermoeiend, maar hy het met God se genade ons veilig soontoe en terug gebring. Verder is die geëerde man ons nuwe vise-president en behou ook die portefuelje-projekte. Sy vermoëns kan niemand misken nie, almal weet dat hy GGSA met oorgawe dien en weet waarvan hy praat. Sy leierseienskappe loop voor hom uit -- wat meer kan ek sê. Baie geluk ook aan jou en dankie vir jou bydraes en ondersteuning oor baie jare.

Ekself sal André se pos van tesourier vul en produk-ontwikkeling, so ek gaan nog steeds lede help om hul navorsing te publiseer. So moenie my sommer weggooi nie.

Renier Feldtmann gaan by Leoni oorneem. Aan hom wens ek ook sterkte en voorspoed toe. Net net ek nie, maar ek weet Leoni sal help waar moontlik indien nodig.

Laastens een persoon wat regtig geen nuwe naam by ons is nie en beslis nie onbekend aan ons is nie, Ferdie van Wyk. Hy het klaar destyds as voorsitter van Noord Transvaaltak gewys dat hy passievol is vir Genealogie en die laaste tyd weer eens net dit onderstreep om GGSA se webtuiste op die voorgrond te plaas. Ferdie was Gekoöpteerde lid, maar is nou 'n volle NUK-lid. Hy beklee die addissionele pos en voltooi die 5 NUK-lede sirkel.

Aan my mede-NUK lede, baie geluk, saam glo ek die wa gaan galop en nie net getrek word nie. Die gekoöpteerde lede is die mense wat GGSA aan die beweeg hou, sonder hulle kan ons nie regtig vorentoe nie, dus aan Richard Ford (Familia), Peter Moss (begraafplaas-DVD) Rentia Landman (bemarking en publisiteit), Judi Meyer (Omnibus, produkte en produkadministrasie).

Ook moet ek eGGSA bedank en die vorige bestuur wat ingestem het dan hulle die AJV sal reël, ook die huidige bestuur en veral Alta Griffiths ... die vrou kan darem organiseer. Alta, baie geluk en een groot dankie. Dit was een aangename AJV wat ons baie geniet het. Aan al ons lede, wat sal GGSA nou wees sonder julle, baie dankie vir ondersteuning, al jul oproepe, e-posse en mooi wense, gebede en geselsies, ek waardeer dit. Mag vandag en die toekoms vir GGSA vreugde skyn.

19 March 2012

AGM, 2012, Uniondale: report back

Chairman Bob Saunders reports:

Bob Saunders
We have indeed returned safely from the national AGM at Uniondale, and grateful thanks must be extended to Dennis Pretorius who drove superbly and never flagged once despite the long drives there and back with only a hectic day of meetings in between to recuperate. He also went a couple of extra miles to Vereeniging this evening - but that is the nature of the man - to assist where he can! Thank you very VERY much Dennis and to Minnie, his wife, as well for ably supporting our driver.

Dennis Pretorius
Thanks too to everyone who took turns to keep the driver occupied/entertained/focussed on the all important job of driving - another job well done. It was a great weekend all in all, held with a singular purpose and in great spirit. I want to assure our members that a great job was done this weekend, and I feel confident about where the Society as a whole is headed.

I need to also inform you all that the 
next AGM is to be hosted by our branch in 2013 on the 9th of March, 

so we actually have a busy year ahead of us getting ready for that over and above our normal activities. We are planning a great event and hope that each and every member will play their part in the preparations AND possibly attend the AGM in observer capacity to see what it is all about. But more about that at another time.

John Stephens
John Stephens was nominated for and was conferred an Extra Mile Award for his outstanding service to our branch as branch secretary. John and Iris, we mean this from the bottom of our hearts when we say thank you and congratulations on an exceptional job. That the task was carried out with such gusto and determination under very trying personal circumstances, had to and has now been commended in the best way possible through the award from the National body. Congratulations John.

Neels Coertse
I must also report back on a meeting that was held by part of your committee with Museum Africa (MA) on Thursday afternoon at 12pm in the boardroom of MA. Neels Coertse, Giel Nel and myself met with Diane Wall and Linda Chernis with the purpose of handing over to them, the photographs of the Bibles that were taken by Neels assisted by Giel and Lucas at Museum Africa  in the latter quarter of 2010.

Giel Nel
I was very proud indeed to hand over with Neels and Giel, the two A3 bound volumes of the printed photographs (monochrome) and two discs of high definition coloured photographs for them to archive and of course make available to the greater public. This is yet another example of the work our members are doing for the greater genealogical community and we can be rightly proud of Neels and his team. Museum Africa in the person of Diane and Linda were greatly impressed by the quality of the work "we" as 'rank amateurs' have produced in this project and more importantly, that it was done free of charge (with their kind permission and co-operation) and the teams effort.

We have I believe established our Bona Fides in this regard. I am extremely proud to announce that we have been given permission by MA to make these photographs available for viewing by all, on our website. This means that not only do you now have access to the photographs of churches, gravestones and funeral pamphlets via the internet on our website, but that it will soon be augmented by the Family Bible photographs as well.

Coming back to the AGM of 2012, grateful thanks are extended to e-GSSA team ably led by Alta Griffiths and assisted by Judy Meyer and their able team, for the job of successfully hosting the AGM in the middle of nowhere. Uniondale is very far away from us up here in Gauteng, but it really is the quaintest little town if you take the time to look a little closer. There are some beautiful buildings and the place has a rich history too. Thank you e-GSSA for the change of scenery and a very successful AGM in great surroundings and a fantastic atmosphere.

07 March 2012

Nuusbrief: Februarie 2012

The latest newsletter of the branch is published below. Please be patient while it is loading. Use the icons below the report. "View in fullscreen" produces best results. Wes-Gauteng-nuusbrief 2012-02

04 March 2012


Stief Rootman
Eindelik en ten laaste is die boek oor die voor- en nageslag van Oupa Boy Rootman gereed. Dit het honderde ure se navorsing geverg, te veel e-posse om te noem, duisende afgereisde kilometers en ontelbare telefoonoproepe, plaaslik en oorsee, om die werk te voltooi.

Die boek word sonder die toevoeging van enige wins of vergoeding aangebied en sal vanaf einde volgende week versprei word. Die feit dat dit in kleur gedruk is het 'n aansienlike invloed op die koste, maar ek glo dat die kwaliteit dit regverdig. Dit is beskikbaar in twee vorme:

Hardeblad-uitgawe teen R370 plus posgeld en verpakking.
Slapband-uitgawe teen R290 plus posgeld en verpakking.

Posgeld na SA bestemmings beloop R37. Bestemmings oorsee sal vooraf gereël moet word.

Betalings moet by rekeningnr. 56700006963, S.Rootman, FNB, Jeffreysbaai (kode 210-515) inbetaal word. Gebruik u naam as verwysing. Bestellings moet vergesel wees van 'n afskrif van die depositostrokie.

Rootman is 'n voormalige Springbok-hengelaar.

26 February 2012

Bob Saunders, new chairman

Penny Evans
Bob Saunders, new chairman.
The West Gauteng branch of the GSSA met on 18 February 2012 at the Dutch Reformed Church, Ontdekkerskruin, Discovery. The AGM was well attended by members.

Lucas Rinken read his chairman’s report and a new committee for 2012 was elected.

Bob Saunders takes over as chairman and
Petro Meyer as minutes secretary.

Bob Saunders thanked Lucas Rinken and John Stephens for their outstanding service to the society. He also thanked the committee that served in 2011.

Dennis Pretorius spoke about the new website of the Genealogical Society of SA (www.genza.co.za)

Petro Meyer, minutes secretary.
Using the projector and a connection to the internet, he showed members what could be seen on this site. The website consists of an introduction and welcome, details of the National Executive Council, a list of all the branches showing a diary of events, projects and details of the Cape Masters Office.

Dennis then discussed the Funeral Programs project. The collection of Funeral Programs was originally started in 2005 by SAGen.

The obituary funeral program is important as it contains information that can be used for genealogical and historical purposes. Funeral programs are not published within one year of the date of death. These notices have been indexed and arranged in alphabetical order.

The project co-ordinator is Hobbie Stoffberg (bbggsa@gmail.com). Members are asked to bring these funeral programs to meetings so that they can be scanned and forwarded to Stoffberg.

22 February 2012

Chairman's Report, 2011

Chairman Lucas Rinken delivered his chairman's report 
for the year January to December 2011 
at the branch's AGM on 18 February 2012

Lucas Rinken delivers his last chairman's report.
All in all we have had a reasonably good year.

In 2011 we celebrated the 10th year of the existence of our branch. Compared to other Branches, we are still very young, despite which, we can be proud of what we have achieved.

We still have one elected NEC member with another who was previously elected, but now serves as a co-opted member. Also co-opted from our branch is the National Editor of our quarterly magazine, Familia. André, Dennis and Richard, we are proud of you.

We have a good and growing branch library with excellent equipment available for the use of members. We have served the general public well during annual exhibitions at Hobby-X, the Genealogy and Heritage day in Pretoria and at the Museum in Roodepoort. We also exhibited in Potchefstroom and at the Vaal River.

We provide and, worldwide, sell our e-SAGI database containing over 610,000 names.

Wonderful work has been done by Neels Coertze in photographing genealogical information from inscriptions in old Bibles. We offered a free service at the Roodepoort Museum day but the main focus was on the old Bibles made available to us at Museum Africa and the Johannesburg Civic Library. Neels was ably assisted by Giel Nel and Grahame Southey. Our sincere thanks to them.

We have again this year presented a Beginner’s Course in Genealogy. This was well received with positive feedback and should be repeated later in the year. The possibility of presenting an advanced course is again being investigated.

Our members, mainly Dennis Pretorius, have played leading roles in capturing data such as the Braamfontein Cemetery records and the 1984 Cencus lists. Dennis is also the owner of the Afrikaans Genealogical email list, SAGen which is so well supported and has become an invaluable tool in acquiring genealogical assistance.

We have our own branch Blog so ably provided by ex branch committee member Japie Bosch, now located at the coast.

We have a monthly branch newsletter AND Neels Coertze has collected same from over the past 10 years and published this in a magnificent book also available on CD. We have also published three other collections in CD format. Furthermore, John Stephens collected and published all the Branch Minutes of the last 10 years. Richard Ford put together a booklet containing details of present and past members. This was made available also in CD format.

However small your personal contribution may have been, are you not proud of these achievements?

The year was, however, difficult due to the health problems experienced by myself and our excellent secretary, John Stephens. Other members also experiencing health problems include Ruth Jobson, Ds. Hennie Le Roux, Barbara Bouwer, Louise Dick, Bob Saunders and Herman Esterhuizen. May the year ahead bring better health to all.
Management: At the Annual General Meeting held on 20 March 2010, the following branch committee was elected:

ChairmanLucas Rinken
Vice-Chairman and Recording SecretaryJohn Stephens
Vice-Chairman and Membership Secretary Gerard Marloth
Treasurer Dennis Pretorius
Assistant Treasurer Barbara Bouwer
Events Secretary Margaret Humphries
Librarian Graham Southey
Assistant Librarian Louise Dick
Editor Newsletter Neels Coertse
Publicity and Blog Liaison Penny Evans
Cemetery Recording Project Giel Nel
Product Sales Kriek Fourie

After 6 years as chairman, and in the light of my health problems, I feel that it is time to hand over these duties to a younger person who will, no doubt, pick up the reins and drive the branch to new heights. It has been a pleasure and privilege to be involved at this level in both branch affairs and having sitting at NEC meetings and National AGM’s. I retain many fond memories and have made good friends with so many fine genealogists. I regard myself as having been extremely fortunate to have had these opportunities.

Oor die jare was ek voorsitter of het gedien op baie komitees. Nêrens het ek ooit ‘n beter sekretaris gevind as John Stephens nie! Soos reeds genoem, het John ook gesondheidsprobleme ondervind en moes verskeie groot operasies ondergaan. Met getroue Iris aan sy sy, het hy egter nooit enigsins nie sy verantwoordelikhede stiptelik en korek nagekom nie. Onder sulke moeilike omstandighede, was dit nie maklik nie en hy verdien ‘n word van groot lof, waardering en dank.

Dit is dan ook verstaanbaar dat John nie verder in hierdie pos beskikbaar sal wees nie. Die nuwe sekretaris sal dit beslis moeilik vind om hierdie groot skoene vol te staan.

Van my persoonlik, en van die tak, John, ‘n BAIE GROOT DANKIE vir wat jy vir ons beteken het. Ons gun jou ‘n ruskans en bid jou steeds beterwordende gesondheid toe.

Membership: We seem to have no difficulty in obtaining new members but retaining same has been a problem for many years. Despite renewal reminders having been sent out, many members simply neglect to renew membership thus, even with 17 new members, our membership slumped from 67 in 2010 to 58 at the end of 2011!

As our membership secretary states: Processes have been put in place to follow-up and determine the reasons for this and to understand how the branch can better meet the needs of new and old members. Our thanks to Gerard for all the work he has done in this regard.

Also disappointing is the response to invitations sent to people who have signed our visitors book at Hobby-X.

Meetings: 10 Branch meetings were held, attended in total by 228 members and 27 guests - an average per meeting of 25 members and guests. This against an average of 29 for the previous year. It is pleasing to note that 22 members attended at least 50% of meetings.

 In January, the branch meeting, as already mentioned, took the form of an exhibition, at the Roodepoort Museum. Our Branch AGM was livened up by a talk by Mr. Jack Holloway. Two meetings were visits to cemeteries where the gravestone inscriptions were recorded or photographed. The first was on the 5th February at the “Eye of Africa” at Alewynspoort and the second on the 17th September was at the Panorama Cemetery.

In May, the Branch visited the LDS Family History Centre in Parktown where members were shown the ropes by the more experienced members. In October we hosted a workshop where members were divided into groups to discuss problems with group leaders endeavoring to give assistance.

Verder het Ds. Kobus van Tonder ons vertel van die wedervarings van die Dorslandtrekkers, Richard Ford het die nuwe GGSA Grondwet bespreek terwyl NUK lid, Dirk Bloem, die nuwe GGSA Webwerf aan ons voorgestel het. Marius Smit het sy kennis van die drukkuns met ons gedeel.

Dit is verblydend dat sy dienste later deur Neels gebruik is vir die druk van die 10 Jaar Nuusbrief uitgawe en dat hy besonder behulsaam was aan Bob Saunders met die druk van die Begrafnisbrief vir sy moeder se begrafnis.

Dan het Johan Barkhuizen met ons gesels oor “Genealogie geïntegreerd met Geskiedenis en Navorsingsmetodologie op Skool”

Over and above main speakers, branch members Hennie and Marie van Aswegen, Petro Meyer and John Stephens gave short discussions on their own fields of research.

Laastens, was ons November vergadering weer ‘n afsluitingsgeleentheid “Bring en Braai”. Dit was ook die viering van ons 10 jaar bestaan. Neels het by die geleentheid die 10 Jaar Nuusbriefuitgawe as” geskenk” aan die tak oorhandag terwyl verdienstelikheid sertifikate aan lede oorhandig is. Hierna is die spesiale verjaarsdagkoek wat deur Minnie Pretorius gebak en versorg is gesny en deur almal geniet!

Obtaining speakers for our meetings is not easy – but John Stephens excelled as per usual and handled this onerous task and the organization involved, with aplomb. Once again, our thanks to this stalwart!

Sewe komiteevergaderings is gehou en gemiddeld was 10 uit die 13 lede teenwoordig. Samewerking was, soos in die verlede, uitstekend.

Once again, we manned a stall at the Genealogical Day in Pretoria organized by GSSA stalwart Isabel Groesbeek. This very successful event again allowed us to sell our e-SAGI DVD’s and we again used the proceeds to purchase further books for our library.

  •  Newsletters: 
 Neels Coertse continued the good work with monthly newsletters conveying information about our branch meetings and welcoming new members joining. Articles by members continue to be included and have been most interesting. Again our thanks to Neels and also to Gerard who handles the actual distribution of same to our members and other branches.
  •   Branch Blog 
 As often previously mentioned, Japie Bosch started the blog on his own initiative a few years ago and it was quickly accepted by our committee as the main “voice” of the branch. Despite moving to the coast, he has continued to provide this service and we, once again, owe him a debt of great gratitude for his excellent work.

Penny Evans continues to feed Japie with photographs and reports making the blog much more interesting also with the inclusion of our branch newsletter and invitations to our monthly meetings.
  •  HobbyX
Once again, the branch managed the stand on behalf of the National Executive. This year was not as good as last year. Turnover was R 6280 as opposed to R 9050 with only 4 new members enrolled as opposed to 18. We sold 28 e-SAGI DVD’s as opposed to 33 with sales of a further 10 GSSA CD’s..

The stand drew much attention mainly as a result of our again using a projector to show genealogical data on a large screen as opposed to just computer screens used in the past. Many queries were handled data obtained from visitors amazed to find family members in our database and gladly adding further generations.

And again Bob Saunders did most of the work in setting up and dismantling the stand. His contribution greatly contributed to the success of the stand and he needs to be especially thanked. Kriek’s assistance in dismantling was again greatly appreciated. A word of thanks also to all branch members who assisted and to members who visited from far afield.
  •  CD/DVD’s 
Our e-SAGI database continued to expand, showing over 610,000 individuals at year end. Once again sales of same was the major source of revenue for the branch allowing us to buy further items for our library including a new computer and printer/scanner. The assistance of Bob Saunders and Gerard Marloth in this regard was invaluable.

Bob also provided a new external hard drive and installed our collection of CD/DVD’s on to same where this wealth of genealogical data can be accessed by members. It is a shame that not enough members avail themselves of the opportunity. We always have a committee meeting at 12 noon before our monthly meetings so come early and go down to the library and make use of what is available.

Ons moet ongelukkig meld dat ons taklede, met enkele uitsonderings, nie baie behulpsaam was met die “Olifant Opeëet”-projek nie, die invoer van name uit sensuslyste. Meer hulp word dringend benodig. Gesels aseblief met Dennis Pretorius, die Nasionale GGSA projek kordineerder.
  •  Training 
 As already mentioned, we again presented a course. My personal thanks to stalwarts Dennis Pretorius and Richard Ford who were excellent presenters again and also handled the part usually my responsibility. Due to my illness, I was just not up to doing my bit!
  •  Venue
Our branch is still happily using the Church complex of the N.G. Congregation of Ontdekkers Park. We again thank the “Kerkraad” for making these facilities available to us and to Moira Kennedy, our contact lady in the Church office for her helpful assistance.
  •  Library 
Our library is still steadily growing by donations from members and purchases of selected items.

Most books have been numbered and inserts recording donations affixed. The recorded lists are available on application.
  •  Branch celebrates one decade
Our branch was formed on the 10th February, 2001! As already mentioned, this was celebrated during our year-end function and the three envisaged projects completed. Branch Committee

Last year I wrote: “I write this every year but the truth will out! I cannot but, once again acknowledge the loyal support and assistance of all Committee Members. Their contribution in Branch Management Meetings and in performing allocated duties has always far exceeded expectations. My sincere thanks to one and all.”

This year, even greater thanks are due. My illness placed great strain on all committee members particularly, Bob, John and Dennis. But they rose to the occasion and kept the ship on course despite their own personal problems/commitments.

I have no hesitation in personally proposing Bob Saunders for the position of Branch Chairman. I am proud that I brought him into the fold a few years ago knowing, even then, that he would be a better chairman than I could ever be and that he was at the right age to bring younger and more vigorous leadership to the branch.

Without John Stephens, the committee will be the weaker. I know that other members would also like to be rested feeling that they have other commitments and have done their share. But losing two top members will require new members joining and continuity IS important. I consequently urge these members to PLEASE reconsider and to stick it out for another year!

In closing, may I wish the Branch and indeed the entire society, everything of the very best for the year ahead and far into the distant future. I reiterate that I regard the opportunity I have had to serve as your chairman as a highlight in my life.

I had the daunting task of following in the footsteps of giants, not only in the branch and the society as a whole but in the National genealogical scene. Dennis and Richard, you were a hard act to follow but you were always available with assistance and advice and I knew I could always rely on you. Thank you for being there for me.

 To all who have served in the committee with me and so ably assisted in your various fields, my sincere thanks. You made my task easy with your co-operation, indulgence and forgiveness of an old man’s failings.

To every individual member, past and present, my thanks for your support and particularly your thoughts and prayers during my illness.

21 February 2012

AGM, 2012 Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the West Gauteng Branch held on 18 February 2012 commencing at 14.00 at the Ned. Geref. Kerk Ontdekkerskruin, 17 Philips Avenue, Discovery

Members: Lucas Rinken (Chairman); Dennis Pretorius; Gerard Marloth; Graham Southey; Bob Saunders; Giel Nel; Penny Evans; Petrus van der Merwe; Kriek Fourie; Louise Dick; Richard Ford; Gwenyth Thomas; Elizabeth Lawrence; Petro Meyer; Robyn Templeton; Margaret Humphries; Christa Roberts; Herman Esterhuizen; Ds. Hennie le Roux; Frans and Donna Viljoen; Richard Wolfaardt; Elmarie Pieterse; Elsabé Calitz; John and Iris Stephens (total: 26).
Visitors: Wilna du Preez; Alta Cloete; Anton and Marietjie Potgieter; André and Ansie Steenekamp; Maggie Bailie; Lynette Swanepoel; Hennie and Salomé Oosthuizen; Gawie van Dyk (total: 11)

1. Opening by Chairman: The Chairman welcomed everybody especially the visitors.
2. Confirmation of quorum: More than the required number of members were present.
3. Apologies: Colin Steyn; Louw du Plessis; Ben Leach, who sent his best wishes; Neels Coertse; Ruth Jobson, who is very ill; Barbara Bouwer; Hennie and Marie van Aswegen.
4. Afkondigings:
4.1 Verjaardae: 19 Feb. – John Schwartz; 29 Feb. – Alan Buff; 10 Maart – Ina Calitz; 11 Maart – Gerard Marloth; 14 Maart – Elsabé Calitz; 15 Maart – Lindsey Goslin; 17 Maart – Milford Juniper
4.2 Hobby-X: 29 Feb – 4 Maart: Lucas sal weer die leiding daar neem maar verneem van helpers vir die gereedmaak en elke dag se bemanning van die stalletjie.’n Lys sirkuleer waarop aangedui kan word wie en wanneer jy kan kom help.
4.3 NUK-vergadering: 17 - 18 Maart: Bob en Lucas verteenwoordig ons tak daar.
4.4 Volgende vergadering: Neem asseblief kennis dat die vergadering verskuif is van 17 na die 24 Maart: Christoff Erasmus praat oor “Genetiese voorouer bepaling van die Afrikaner populasie in Suid-Afrika: Verband tussen stambome en genetiese inligting.”
4.5 21 April 2012: Alan Jeffrey of the Brenthurst Library will talk on the preservation/conservation of old documents, photographs, pictures, etc. Members should bring in examples of the items they have, it makes it much easier for everybody if there are things to look at and discuss. Alan does not have a standard ‘lecture’ on conservation/preservation. It would help if there was a variety – old books, albums, framed pictures, photographs etc.
4.6 Vandag: Ons Tak se Algemene Jaarvergadering. Ons nuwe komitee word gekies
4.7 Ledegeld van R200 (posafgelewerde Familia) of R150 (elektroniese Familia) is nou betaalbaar.
4.8 Voorstelle (Suggestion Box) – Beskikbaar elke vergadering.
4.9 Dennis Pretorius praat vandag oor die Begrafnisbriefieprojek van die e-GGSA en lede kan hul briefies inskandeer na die vergadering.
5. Adoption of minutes of 2011 AGM: Bob Saunders proposed and seconded by Elsabé Calitz and Kriek Fourie that the minutes be adopted.
5.1 Matters arising from these minutes: None
6. Annual Reports:
6.1 Chairman: The Chairman read his report and it was approved, with thanks.. (Report attached as addendum)
6.2 Treasurer: Dennis Pretorius projected the annual financial statements onto the screen and answered questions. The report was approved, with thanks.
6.3 Committee Members reports: As these had all been circulated to members, the reports were all approved, with thanks to these members. Vice-chairman; Secretary (Minutes); Secretary (Membership); Secretary (Events); Editor News Letter; Publicity and Blog Coördinator; Coördinator Cemetery Project; Coördinator Product Sales; Librarian; Assistant Treasurer.
7. Motions: None were received.
8. Election of Committee Members: The proposals of the committee were accepted:
8.1 Chairman - Bob Saunders
8.2 Vice-chairman – Colin Steyn
8.3 Treasurer – Dennis Pretorius
8.4 Secretary (Minutes) – No proposal from the committee. After lengthy discussion the post was accepted by Petro Meyer who originally agreed to fill Margaret Humphries post. The meeting decided to downgrade the secretary post to only minute taking and to combine it with that of the Secretary Events and to have Petro fill this position.
8.5 Secretary (Membership) – Gerard Marloth
8.6 Secretary (Events) – Post combined with the secretary post, Margaret will assist.
8.7 Editor News Letter – Neels Coertse
8.8 Publicity and Blog Coördinator – Penny Evans
8.9 Coördinator Cemetery Project – Giel Nel
8.10 Coördinator Product Sales – Kriek Fourie
8.11 Librarian – Graham Southey
8.12 Assistant Librarian – Louise Dick
8.13 Assistant Treasurer – Lucas Rinken
9. Other Business:
9.1 Verspreiding van Famnea: Die nuwe komitee moet hieraan aandag gee.
9.2 Uitstappies: Die nuwe komitee sal dit oorweeg om weer na Potchefstroom se Museum te gaan.
9.3 Dankwoord: Bob Saunders, die nuwe voorsitter, bedank Lucas vir die afgelope ses jaar wat hy voorsitter van die Tak was. Ook John word bedank aangesien hy ook uittree.
9.4 Werkswinkel oor e-SAGI/Legacy: Besluit dat daar op 25 Februarie 2012 van 14.00 – 17.00 by Lucas aan huis, ‘n opleidingswerkswinkel in e-SAGI/ Legacy aangebied sal word, onder leiding van Lucas. Die eerste ses persone wat dit sal bywoon is: Elizabeth Lawrence; Christa Roberts; Lynette Swanepoel; Maggie Bailie; Alta Cloete en Elsabé Calitz. Hulle word gevra om hul rekenaars saam te bring.
10. Die e-GGSA se Begrafnisbriefieprojek: Dennis Pretorius bied, met behulp van die rekenaar en projektor, ‘n baie interessante lesing hieroor aan. Lede is gevra om hul begrafnisbriefies vandag saam te bring sodat dit na die vergadering ingeskandeer en aan Hobbie Stoffberg, die Projekleier, gestuur kan word. Bob is bereid om as daar ‘n groot aantal hiervan is, dit in die loop van die week in te skandeer.
11. Next AGM, 2013: 16 February 2013
12. Adjourn for Refreshments: The meeting adjourned at 15:30.

08 February 2012

Annual General Meeting, 18 February 2012 at 14:00

Neem asseblief kennis dat die Tak se Algemene Jaarvergadering om 14.00 op 18 Februarie 2012 in die Ned. Geref. Kerk Ontdekkerskruin, Philipslaan 17, Ontdekkers, Roodepoortgehou word. U word vriendelik versoek om dit by te woon sodat daar die nodige aandag aan die sakelys gegee kan word. 

Please note that the Annual General Meeting of our Branch will take place at 14.00 on 18 February 2012 in the Ned. Geref. Kerk Ontdekkerskruin, 17 Philips Avenue, Discovery Roodepoort. You are kindly requested to attend in order to pay the required attention to the agenda. 

ON 18 FEBRUARY 2012 AT 14.00 

1. Opening by Chairman 
2. Confirmation of quorum 
3. Attendance register and apologies
4. Confirmation of agenda 
5. Minutes of 2011 AGM 
5.1 Approval
5.2 Matters arising from these minutes
6. Annual Reports:
6.1 Chairman
6.2 Treasurer
6.3 Vice-chairman
6.4 Secretary (Minutes)
6.5 Secretary (Membership)
6.6 Secretary (Events)
6.7 Editor News Letter
6.8 Publicity and Blog Coördinator
6.9 Coördinator Cemetery Project
6.10 Coördinator Product Sales
6.11 Librarian
7. Motions (None received) 
8. Election of Committee Members: 
8.1 Chairman
8.2 Vice chairman
8.3 Treasurer
8.4 Secretary (Minutes)
8.5 Secretary (Membership)
8.6 Secretary (Events)
8.7 Editor News Letter
8.8 Publicity and Blog Coördinator
8.9 Coördinator Cemetery Project
8.10 Coördinator Product Sales
8.11 Librarian
8.12 Assistant Librarian
8.13 Assistant Treasurer
9. Other Business 
10. Next AGM 2013: 16 February 2013 
11. Adjourn for Refreshments

07 February 2012


Behalwe dat die Tak se Algemene Jaarvergadering op 18 Februarie 2012 om 14.00 gehou word, sal Dennis Pretorius ‘n aanbieding doen oor die Begrafnisbrief-projek waarvan Hobbie Stoffberg die projekleier is.

Lede word gevra om asseblief alle begrafnisbriefies in hulle besit saam te bring sodat dit ingeskandeer/gefotografeer kan word. Hierdie briefies sal dan uiteindelik op die e-GGSA se webblad geplaas word waar dit vir alle genealoë toeganklik sal wees.

31 January 2012

Newsletter: January 2012

 The latest newsletter of the branch is published below. Please be patient while it is loading. Use the icons below the report. "View in fullscreen" produces best results.
Wes-Gauteng-nuusbrief 2012-01

30 January 2012

Die arm-Blanke vraagstuk en die Afrikaner

Deur John Stephens

John Stephens
Ons tak het Saterdag, 28 Januarie 2012, na ‘n uitstekende toespraak oor hierdie saak geluister. Wat my egter van die toespraak gepla het, is dat daar dalk van ons lede is wat dink dat die Afrikaner van die vorige eeu ‘n agterlike mens was. Dit was gewis nie so nie.

• Om hierdie stelling deur te trek moet ons veel verder teruggaan. Ons moet in gedagte hou dat in 1834 – 1836 die Afrikaners uit die Kaapprovinsie padgegee het en ‘n nuwe toekoms in die onbekende binneland gaan soek het. Daar is talle redes hiervoor. Die Britse owerheid wou nie aandag gee aan die probleme op die Oosgrens nie. Die aangrensende swartes het boere se huise aangeval, vee gesteel en blankes uitgemoor.

• Gelukkig was daar nog Afrikanerleiers met deursettingsvermoë en is daar besluit om liewer die onbekende aan te durf as om langer onder die Britte te staan en deur die Swartes uitgemoor en besteel te word.

• Vandag klim ons in ‘n vliegtuig en ons is binne ‘n ommesientjie waar ons wil wees. Daardie dae was die vervoermiddel ‘n Voortrekkerwa. Ruimte was uit die aard van die saak baie beperk. En tog het die Afrikanervroue hul mooi breekgoed en linnegoed ingepak en op die trek gebruik. Hulle was beskaafd.

• Verder moet daar in gedagte gehou word dat die Groottrek geheel-en-al teen die kerke se wil was. Daar was geen predikant wat kans gesien het om die Trek te vergesel nie. Net eerwaarde Erasmus Smit het as geestelike leier saam getrek. Vergeleke met vandag se Afrikaners kan mens maklik sê dat geestelik en Godsdienstig daardie Afrikaners op ‘n baie hoër trap was as baie van vandag se Afrikaners. Wie is dus die agterlikes?

• Ons ken die geskiedenis van hoe die blankes ook op die trekpad uitgemoor is en sy besittings geroof is. En moenie laat daar vertel word dat hierdie geskiedenis verdraaide geskiedenis is nie. Daarom staan daar bakens langs hierdie paaie wat aantoon wat ons voorgeslag moes ly en deurmaak.

• Ons mense het uiteindelik in die Oranje Vrystaat en Transvaal ‘n tuiste gevind. En net toe dit lyk asof ons nou ons voete gevind het, kom die goudstormloop. Ons mense op die plase het knellende droogtes en die runderpes deurgemaak. Meeste was maar net bestaansboere. En toe die geroesemoes van fortuinsoekers in Johanesburg aankom, is die Afrikaner opgeslurp in hierdie fortuinsoeke. Boere het hul plase verlaat en die goudvelde ingevaar.

• Kom ons dink net terug aan hoe Johannesburg op daardie stadium sou lyk. Dit was ‘n onontwikkelde dorpie. En skielik staan daar die een kroeg na die ander daar op. Daarmee saam stringe bordele. En waar is die kerk? Eers in Mei 1887 kom proponent J.N.Martins in Johannesburg aan. Die moedergemeente Johannesburg word in daardie selfde jaar gestig. Vandag bestaan baie van die ou plaasname nog in Johannesburg: Braamfontein, Langlaagte, Turffontein en Bezuidenhoutsvallei.

• Kort na die aankoms van die jong onervare predikant verskyn daar die volgende berig in De Kerkbode: “Met die geestelike toestand van hierdie plek is dit ellendig gesteld; goeie brawe jongmense (boereseuns) uit die Kolonie en die Vrystaat sien ‘n mens saans in ‘n besope toestand deur die strate waggel. Die oorsaak is dat baie van die jongmense wat hierheen kom – soos dit die gewoonte hier op die Goudvelde is – ‘n klein tentjie opslaan van drie voet hoog en sewe of agt voet lank, net om in te slaap en te was. “ Dan volg vereensaming en die soeke na warmte wat hulle dan in die biljaartkamers van die hotelle vind. Dan volg verleiding. Die invloed van die Boerehuis is nie meer daar nie.

• Stel jou voor die armoede wat daar toe geheers het. In die Vrystaat en ook in Transvaal.

· Die Britte, en by name Lord Milner, wou die Afrikaner wys wie nou baas is. Op skool sou die kinders dan net Engels kon leer en selfs met mekaar net Engels kon praat. Maar die Afrikaner laat hom nie so verneder om nou ook die taal van die onderdrukker te moet besig nie. Oral word CNO (Christelike Nasionale Onderwys) skole in die lewe geroep. Hier lewer die kerk ‘n reuse-bydrae tot die behoud van die Afrikanerkind en sy opvoeding.

· In sommige huise verander die Afrikanernaam by voorbeeld van Jakobus na James; van Maria na Mary; van Johannes na John. Ongelooflik! Maar Milner seëvier nie!

• Die kerk het toe sy bes probeer om die Afrikaner op te hef. maar skaars was hy op sy voete of die Rebellie van 1914 breek uit. Boer teen Boer. Jan Smuts en Louis Botha teen Christiaan de Wet, Koos de la Rey, C.F Beyers, Kemp en Maritz. En die smarte duur voort.

• Nog is dit die einde nie, want van 1914 – 1919 breek die Eerste Wereldoorlog ook uit.

· Dis verstommend. Dit was soos ‘n boksgeveg. Die Afrikaner was teen die planke. Stadigaan was hy besig om op sy knieë te kom. Maar toe tref die volgende hou hom. Die ergste griep-epidemie breek in 1918 in die wêreld uit. Ook Transvaal en die Vrystaat loop deur. Derduisende mense sterf. Soms is hele huisgesinne uitgewis. Anderkere weer was dit ‘n pa en ma, of een van hulle plus van die kinders. Die uiteinde daarvan was dat talle kinders wees nagelaat is en sorgbehoewend geraak het. Die kerk het hier die opheffende en versorgende hand uitgesteek en kinderhuise het hierdie wesies ingeneem.

• Die klappende koeëls het net stil geword toe breek daar die 1922 Mynwerkerstaking uit.

• In Julie 1923 word daar ‘n Volkskongres oor die arm-Blanke vraagstuk in Bloemfontein gehou. Die toestand het so versleg en werkloosheid, en volksverarming het so toegeneem dat die kerk hierdie kongres gehou het. Daarna volg verskeie reddingspogings. Na die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog is daar talle oorlogswesies en kinders van ouers wat net nie daartoe instaat was om vir die kinders te sorg nie. So ontstaan die Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis in die Langlaagte gemeente. Wonderlike opheffingswerk is deur die jare hier gedoen.

• En die einde is dit nog nie. Daar breek die depressie uit en Afrikanermans werk soos slawe op die paaie met pik en graaf teen ‘n bitter klein besoldiging. Die dertigerjare bring verder mee dat daar van die goudstandaard afgestap word.

• In 1934 word ek gebore, midde in die depressie. Ja, ek was ‘n arm klein seuntjie. My pa was ‘n mynwerker. My ma was die anker en het nie alleen net haar eie nege kinders groot gemaak nie, maar later ook nog vier gekommiteerde kinders.

• En vriende, moenie glo dat die Afrikaner agterlik is nie. Hy staan sy man op elke moontlike terrein in die lewe.

• Ons het gehoor van die Carnegie-verslag, maar net daarna was daar weer ‘n Volkskongres. Miskien wil mense nie hiervan hoor nie, want daarin het dr. Hendrik Verwoerd ‘n baie prominente rol gespeel. Dan breek die Tweede Wereldoorlog uit en die Afrikaner word in talle verskillende kampe gejaag. Sommiges volg Jan Smuts aan die Britte se kant. Ander staan vyandiggesind teenoor enigeen wat dit durf waag om die rooilissie te dra.

• Nee, die Afrikaner is geensins agterlik nie. Ja, nes in alle ander volke is daar ook diegene wat in die agterlike kategorie val, maar, met groot trots kan ek my Afrikanerbors uitstoot. Jy kan dit ook doen!

The poor white question in South Africa.

By Penny Evans

On 21 January 2012 Neels Coertse gave a talk to the West Gauteng branch of the GSSA on the poor white question in South Africa.

Neels Coertse with his technical equipment.
In 1932 the Carnegie Commission of Investigation published their report on the problem of poverty in the white community. This problem had been investigated for the previous 40 years. The investigation identified two groups of poor whites. The first group were those living off the land, for example nomadic Afrikaner farmers, tenant farmers, herdsmen and labourers living in drought stricken areas. It included hunters from the Transvaal, foresters of Knysna, George and Tsitsikama.

The second group were those who had left the farming community. This group included those who had moved to rural villages and become poor whites, those who had moved to industrialized towns and who made a living as poorly skilled labourers and those who moved to the diamond diggings. Projects such as the building of dams employed many unskilled labourers.

The causes of inadequate adaption were discussed in the report. The heritage of the Groot Trek, the Anglo Boer War and rapid development of agriculture and the railways were factors. People were not prepared for these changes. The development of mining and industry caught the farmers unprepared. Education did not keep up with the rapid changes taking place in South Africa. Vocational and technical training was regarded as being inferior. Poor work ethic and social isolation had a negative effect on the well being of the people.

The commission realized that assistance was needed in order to deal with the problem and recommended improving farming methods and introducing agricultural training. Education to eliminate illiteracy, instilling a culture of reading, using better teaching methods and resources. School hostels for needy children. Special schools for children with special needs. Compulsory schooling till fifteen years of age. Use of the radio to educate farming communities. State assistance was needed to improve teacher training. Facilities for adult education were needed. Life skills had to be addressed and improved.

Data was collected regarding the high death rate. These factors were poor sanitation, overcrowded living conditions, water pollution, malaria, malnutrition and epidemic illnesses.

The value of the mother in the household was recognized. She had to be educated in healthier ways of food preparation and encouraged to grow vegetables. Continuous education was needed concerning ill health and care of babies. There was a need to develop clinics. A basic knowledge of nursing was needed. Isolation and lack of stimulation contributed to a lack of family development.

The commission felt that the aim of giving assistance to the poor was to help people to help themselves.
Throughout his talk Neels Coertse continually drew parallels between our historical background and our present society. This was an interesting and well researched talk.