Penny Evans
A smaller than normal group of members attended the exhibition on 16th September 2012. This was a cold and overcast day.
He gave a five minute talk on the CDs available in our library. Kriek encouraged members to spend time looking at what information was available on the CDs. We have the omnibus CDs and a list of the surnames on each of these CDs. CDs are available for sale.
The exhibition was held in the hall. The exhibitors were Richard Wolfaardt, Graham Southey, Marie van Aswegen, Hennie van Aswegen and Richard Ford. Richard Wolfaardt Richard has researched the following surnames: Harper, Copeland, Smith, Goosen, Neethling and Immelman.
His research on the Wolfaardt family goes back to George Philiph Wolfaardt who lived in Germany. It was his great grandson, George Sebastion Wolfaardt, baptised on 13-03-1707 in Boxsberg, Germany who emigrated to SA, arriving in the Cape Colony on 5-10-1729. He married Regina Barbara van Biljon and they had nine children. Richard’s ancestors are Guilliam (Gideon ) Wolfaardt, Philippus Ernst Wolfaardt, his son of the exact same name, Sarel Jacobus Wolfaardt and Henry George Wolfaardt.
Graham has spent many years researching the Southey family. His ancestors, George and Joan Southey were 1820 settlers. Graham has many beautiful photographs in albums. He had made copies of some of the photographs and these were displayed on wall posters along with some information. There is mention of the well known Southey family in various books. Graham has recorded his own story in a booklet.

Marie van Aswegen
Marie has researched the Kriel family of the farm Kareekuil, in the Western Transvaal. Scheepers of the farm Rietvlei in the Swartruggens district. Smit of Buffelspan in the Pilansberg. De Lange and the van Brenk family of Nederland. She has also done research for her daughter in law. This was for the Oosthuizen and Hoffman families. Marie’s display was beautifully set out and she helped with the décor of the other tables.
Hennie’s had an enormous amount of information on display, in the form of charts. He has been researching his family history since 1976. His mother had an interest in family history so she was able to pass information on to him. Hennie has researched all his family history going back to the time his ancestors arrived and settled in SA. The progenitor of the van Aswegens was Hendrik van Aswegen who arrived in SA in the early 1700s. Hennie does research for friends.

Richard has researched the following families: Ford, Meyer, Schoon, Rose-Innes and Dunaiski. He started his research in 1999, and has written a book about his family. The West Gauteng branch has bought the following books: Voortrekkerstamouers 1835-1845 by Jan C Visagie, The Theron book and Botes Stamregister and Kwartierstaat.