Penny Evans
Louise Dick and John Stephens. |
The Library team met again on the 26th May 2012to carry on with the work in the library. The team consisted of Lucas Rinken, John Stephens, Graham Southey, Louise Dick, Giel Nel, Gerard Marloth and Penny Evans.
Lucas transferred all the information about the library books from his laptop to the branch’s computer. He continued to add more books and booklets to the database.
Giel Nel attaching a bracket. |
Giel made and attached brackets so that the cabinet would not slip from the wooden base on wheels.
John, Penny, Louise and Graham continued to sort the booklets into categories, and to check which ones are already listed on the computer, and which not. This is a time consuming task as many of the series are incomplete. Some booklets don’t easily fit into a category. Duplicates were set aside.
It was decided that we would not go ahead with the card system for books that are on loan. Instead a record will be kept on the computer.
Today it felt as if the work was progressing very slowly. There are many booklets and we will have to meet again to continue sorting, checking and adding titles to the database.
John Stephens, Graham Southey and Giel Nel - after working. |
The lighting in the basement is poor. The cabinets will have to be positioned near each ceiling light. Additional light is necessary for reading at the tables. A solution must be found especially as there are no electrical sockets available.
No date for a further meeting has been made as yet.
Thanks to the members of the team who gave up their Saturday morning to help. We are getting there, slowly but surely!