Vergaderings van die tak word elke derde Saterdag van die maand om 14h00 gehou by die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Ontdekkerskruin, Philipslaan, Ontdekkers, Roodepoort.
hierbo vir besonderhede.

28 June 2012

News from the meeting of 16 June 2012

Report and photographs by Penny Evans 

Chairman Bob Saunders
Father's day chocolates.
June 16th was a chilly day. Bob Saunders, our chairman warmly welcomed
everyone. Members listened to Lucas Rinken speak about interesting information from eSAGI.

Some years ago Lucas started writing articles for our blog, based on this information. He wrote about Olive Schreiner, Dr Gerard Leendert Moerdijk , Christiaan Rudolf de Wet, FW de Klerk, The curse on the de Wets, the Louws and the clergymen, the spelling of names, Faure, a family of ministers, unusual and amusing surnames, cannons and strong men, The Brink family, and the Lady of Mystery, Beatrice Gurney.

27 June 2012

Does a Website Really Contain Malicious Software?

There is "an easy and highly accurate" test to determine if a website contains malware. Click HERE to read the full report on Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter.

NOTE: "malware" is an abbreviation for "malevolent software." It refers to viruses, worms, trojan horses, and all other software that is designed to do nasty things to your computer.

Keep in mind that no anti-virus/anti-malware program is perfect. At best, all of them only detect 90% to 95% of the problems.